The French Institute for Public Health Research


A few words about us

Our organisation, the French Institute for Public Health Research (IReSP), is a consortium with a specific legal status in France (GIS). We currently have 12 members, brought together by the desire to develop and promote research in the field of public health


Learn more about our missions


Our 12 members

image membres IReSP

From 2007 to 2019:

47 calls for proposals
381 projects funded
48 million euros allocated



IReSP was headed by Alfred Spira from 2007 to 2011, Jean-Paul Moatti from 2011 to 2014, Geneviève Chêne from 2014 to 2017, and Corinne Alberti from 2017 to 2020. Its current director is Rémy Slama. The team is composed of 13 people.


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Our core activity at IReSP is to structure the field of public health research by managing calls for proposals. We identify where research is needed, hold calls for proposals, and disseminate the findings of the research that we fund.



We act as an interface, helping to facilitate interactions between research communities and public decision-makers in order to improve public policies. Our institute is also a space for dialogue between research communities and stakeholders (professionals, associations, users, patients, etc.). We aim to promote interdisciplinarity, interventional research in health, and participatory research.


Our missions are consistent with the scientific programmes of the Multi-Organisation Thematic Institute for Public Health (ITMO Public Health) of the French National Alliance for Life Sciences and Health (Aviesan), and the National Thematic Alliance of Humanities and Social Sciences (Athena).




Our history

2004: On the initiative of Inserm, the Virtual Institute for Public Health Research (IVRSP) was founded, bringing together public health research players around a collaborative agreement.

2007: The IVRSP changed its name to IReSP and adopted the GIS structure.

29 May 2020: The IReSP GIS was renewed in response to its stakeholders’ desire to develop public health research and promote it widely. The IReSP GIS agreement can be consulted at the bottom of this page.


Our governance is composed of the Executive Committee, the Director and the Scientific Orientation Committee (SOC).


Learn more about our governance



Consult our activity reports from previous years